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Search results for ' Baring, Washington'.

1965 war: The Chinese bluff

1965 war: The Chinese bluff

Rediff.com30 Sep 2005

Gopal Khanna quits White House

Gopal Khanna quits White House

Rediff.com2 Sep 2005

935 killed in Iraq stampede

935 killed in Iraq stampede

Rediff.com31 Aug 2005

The incident occured when thousands of Shias marching across a bridge in a religious procession heard rumours that a suicide bomber was about to attack, triggering a stampede.

King Fahd tried to straddle modern and orthodox

King Fahd tried to straddle modern and orthodox

Rediff.com1 Aug 2005

In his last years, the sickly Fahd was mostly a figurehead as the close relationship he nurtured with the United States deteriorated after the September 11 terror attacks

A lollipop for Musharraf

A lollipop for Musharraf

Rediff.com4 May 2005

Icon dead, legend is born

Icon dead, legend is born

Rediff.com11 Nov 2004

Former Foreign Secretary Romesh Bhandari talks about his friendship with Yasser Arafat.

Bush slams Kerry's economic plans

Bush slams Kerry's economic plans

Rediff.com15 Oct 2004

US President George W Bush has sharpened his attack on Democratic opponent Senator John F Kerry on economic and welfare issues, calling him a "tax and spend liberal", while describing himself as a "compassionate conservative."

Cruise knocks out Shyamalan

Cruise knocks out Shyamalan

Rediff.com9 Aug 2004

Most US voters know little about Kerry: Poll

Most US voters know little about Kerry: Poll

Rediff.com27 Jul 2004

The poll, conducted by Washington Post-ABC News, suggested that 54 per cent of the voters were unfamiliar with the Massachusetts senator's positions against only 25 per cent who felt the same about Republican President George W Bush.

Damon rules over Catwoman

Damon rules over Catwoman

Rediff.com26 Jul 2004

India's forex reserves stand at..?

India's forex reserves stand at..?

Rediff.com7 Jul 2004

In a few hours the Government of India will table the Economic Survey for fiscal 2003-04. Economic Survey is always presented a day before the Annual Budget is announced by the Finance Minister. Take the Rediff Business Quiz and find out how much you

Iraq casualties hurting support for Bush

Iraq casualties hurting support for Bush

Rediff.com22 Jun 2004

Only half the country now approves of the way Bush is managing the US war on terrorism, down 13 points since April, according to the Washington Post-ABC poll.

Enemies of the mandate

Enemies of the mandate

Rediff.com4 Jun 2004

The Sonia Syndrome

The Sonia Syndrome

Rediff.com26 May 2004

Speaking softly & making it stick

Speaking softly & making it stick

Rediff.com22 May 2004

G 20 ready to meet US on own terms

G 20 ready to meet US on own terms

Rediff.com3 Feb 2004

Sadbhavana Mania

Sadbhavana Mania

Rediff.com23 Dec 2003

Cinema paradiso in New York!

Cinema paradiso in New York!

Rediff.com23 Sep 2003

Keep Out Of Iraq's Quagmire

Keep Out Of Iraq's Quagmire

Rediff.com9 Aug 2003

A seesaw called Hollywood Homicide

A seesaw called Hollywood Homicide

Rediff.com16 Jun 2003

A man of integrity

A man of integrity

Rediff.com14 Jun 2003

The perils of 'multiculturalism'

The perils of 'multiculturalism'

Rediff.com2 Jun 2003

The bottom up approach

The bottom up approach

Rediff.com28 May 2003

The BPO juggernaut starts rolling

The BPO juggernaut starts rolling

Rediff.com21 May 2003

Welcome move On Kashmir

Welcome move On Kashmir

Rediff.com29 Apr 2003

Varsha Bhosle: Dear Readers, VII

Varsha Bhosle: Dear Readers, VII

Rediff.com21 Apr 2003

War For Hegemony, Not Justice

War For Hegemony, Not Justice

Rediff.com18 Mar 2003

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